Hi everyone,
Things are getting really hectic around here at meoWS. I am currently wrapping up a project and am about to start up two new projects. I hope to get one of them finished this month. Be sure to check back later this week in the projects section to see what I’ve cooked up recently.
This weekend, I decided to take some time to play around with conductive paint. I’ve been meaning to do this for a while but it wasn’t until recently that I got my hands on some paint made by Bare Conductive. I took a small sheet of acrylic I had laying around and decided to make a touch pad out of it:

Using an Arduino Pro Mini and the CapSense Library, I made a small touch sensitive piano:
In the video, I mention the high resistances in thin lines. To give you an idea, here’s a photo of the ohmmeter on one of the traces:

With the leads about a finger-width apart and the line thickness varying from 5 to 10 mm, the resistance was about 1.3 kΩ. You definitely want to use thick lines when working with this stuff…unless high resistance is what you want. There is a nice chart that gives resistance per inch for a given line thickness.
Playing with conductive paint is fun! I’m hoping to think up of other ways to use this.