
Posts from the Music Category

Spatial Audio Edition

A while ago, I gave a talk on The Audio Programmer meetup on how I built a spatial audio plugin which you can watch below:

The plugin (called Orbiter) is open source and can be found in Github. A pdf of the slides from the talk is available here:

The video covers the development process in more detail but some of the concepts in the talk are covered briefly in this post.



Reverb (reverberation) is a super interesting topic.  While the basic physical principle is easy to understand, implementing reverb in digital form is the subject of much ongoing research and development.

In this post, we will be making use of the comb filters that we learned about in previous posts and apply them to create an early type of reverberator, the Schroeder Reverberator.

Time Domain Representation of an Impulse with Reverb Applied

Coding Environment

The last post went into the hardware details for our audio project. In this post, we’re going to cover the coding environment. Aside from the basics, there are some neat features in the microcontroller that we definitely want to use and that’s going to need some extra configuration.

The extra configuration steps sent me on a bit of a wild goose chase throughout the internet so I hope that by compiling most of what I learned into one post, you can get started more quickly.

Here’s what we’re going to cover:

  • Simplicity Studio IDE Introduction
  • Creating a New Project
  • Using EMLIB libraries
  • Enabling FPU and CMSIS DSP Extensions

Hardware Setup

There are a lot of musically savvy engineers who, after their first signal processing course, use their newfound knowledge to build an effects pedal of sorts. I definitely put myself in this category.

Over the next while, I will be messing around with different audio processing methods like filtering, reverberation, wavetables and whatever I feel like playing around with.

For this post, I am going to go through the hardware setup. The firmware setup will be covered in the next post.

The analog front end schematic and a physical implementation example is provided below.

Analog Front End Schematic

TiCS = “This is Cool Stuff”
I thought I’d try something new where I would showcase some neat stuff I’ve found around the internetz once a month.

1. A Cool Way of Visualizing the FFT
Ben McChesney took the openFrameworks addon, ofxFFT and made a neat way of visualizing the Fast Fourier Transform of whatever his mic was picking up…in this case, his voice and music.


Hi everyone,

Things are getting really hectic around here at meoWS. I am currently wrapping up a project and am about to start up two new projects. I hope to get one of them finished this month. Be sure to check back later this week in the projects section to see what I’ve cooked up recently.

Damnit partybot, we’re supposed to be working!!

This weekend, I decided to take some time to play around with conductive paint. I’ve been meaning to do this for a while but it wasn’t until recently that I got my hands on some paint made by Bare Conductive. I took a small sheet of acrylic I had laying around and decided to make a touch pad out of it:

Every now and then, I like to play around in the Signal Processing world – more so in the audio realm than anything else. The thought that sound can be represented by an array containing a whole bunch of (seemingly arbitrary) numbers ready for manipulation is just awesome!. Yes, I had a lot of fun in my signal processing labs at school and I still love messing around with GNU Octave post-college.

Waveform of the Track I Used.
